Monday, February 27, 2012

Networking Exercise

Several years ago I attended a workshop where I picked up the following idea for an exercise. It recently occured to me that this may be a helpful brainstorming activity for a future job club, workshop, or client homework assignment. Not only does it get clients thinking about their own skills and how people we know have different areas of expertise, but it also serves as a way for people to see that others are more approachable than we realize. Versions of the following questions can be prepared on individual slips of paper or all on one sheet. Small group sharing would also add to the experience.

1) My assets or areas of strength are:

2) Who could benefit from these strengths?

3) I would like to connect with individuals that have strengths in the following areas:

4) Some individuals in my region who could fit that description include:

5) What is something that I can do outside of my normal routine that would help broaden my skills in these areas?

6) People who may have influence in an organization or industry that I would like to enter.

What would you add to the list?

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