Monday, February 28, 2011

The official site for the Workforce Opportunity Project Goes Live

The official site for the workforce opportunity project is now available online for the full report and details of the research.

Visit it soon:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What do Employers Want?

In GCDF training, our discussion often flows to employability skills and what are employers really looking for in new hires. Many of our conversations have revolved around employers in Eastern Kentucky and their hiring needs. Watch the EKCEP website for the upcoming WOP results that will certainly have a regional focus.

But what skills are employers seeking in recent college graduates? According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2011 survey, employers are looking for job candidates with these top five skills and qualities:

Verbal communication skills
Strong work ethic
Teamwork skills
Analytical skills

How does this list compare and contrast to what you are hearing local employers request?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Workforce Development is Crucial

Your GCDF credential has NEVER been more important than now.   As the government is likely to cut budgets by severe magnitudes, it is critical for you to maintain your professional competencies and show the tangible benefit you bring to the table.

In the past WIA funding has been branded as a source of training.  Anyone that walked through the doors of a one stop, would likely think something like this:

"My friend Bill got some money from you all and I heard this is the place to get trained."
 Thus, the services provided to the client centered on ITA funds.

This is no more.  The government is seeing to that.

What workforce development must do to survive is a simple equation: do more with less. 

This means a focus on partnerships with other agencies and and not duplicate services.  There also must be a bent on helping everyone become a qualified worker for a quality job regardless of their socio economic status. 

In the future, your office will be the "go to place" for:

The best companies that are hiring

The best place for a resume

The best place for preparing for a job interview

The best place for great service and help.

In the end, what matters most is helping the clients you serve have a better life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An Amazing Offer From NCDA

We have just received word about the following deal! Do read on.

The National Career Development Association is pleased to offer individuals who have successfully completed a NCDA Career Development Facilitator (CDF) training program, from an NCDA approved training provider, a FREE One-Year Trial Membership to NCDA. This means all of our GCDF gradutes are eligible!

Carla and I have been members of the NCDA for several years, and I have attended their past two conferences. In fact, at last year's conference in San Francisco, there were over 11oo people who attended from 40 countries. The breakout sessions were very informative and I really enjoyed getting to meet the rock stars and rising theorists in our field such as Dick Bolles, Sunny Hansen, and Jim Bright.

CDFs can enjoy the following NCDA benefits:
· Complimentary copy of the latest issue of the NCDA professional journal – Career Development Quarterly.
· Complimentary copy of NCDA’s magazine – Career Developments.
Discounted NCDA member registration to attend the NCDA global career development conference in San Antonio, Texas, June 30 – July 2, 2011.
· Discount NCDA member rate on NCDA published materials.
· Resources – The member’s only section of the website offers a wealth of information to assist career practitioners to provide excellent service to career clients.

NCDA CDF graduates can complete their FREE One-Year Trial Membership by visiting the following link:,130285
You will need to follow the directions and use CDF5000 as the comp/promo code. You must complete your membership by June 1, 2011 in order to take advantage of this unique opportunity. This offer is only valid for those CDF completers living in the United States.

Questions or comments regarding this FREE One-Year Trial Membership may be directed to Mary Ann Powell at or phone (918) 663-7060.

Resume Section Headers - Not Set In Stone

We are all familiar with the most common resume section headers - Objective, Professional Experience, and Education. However, in our fall GCDF resume training, we shared that resume headers are not set in stone. While this can be very freeing for our clients, it can also keep us on our toes as GCDFs. Which section headers will help your client put their best foot forward and showcase their experience, skills, training, in the most effective manner? What may work for one client, is not necessarily the best way to showcase your next client. One of my favorite section headers that I use with clients is "Community/Civic Involvement". This section header captures ways in which the client may be involved in the community (often in leadership roles). Unfortunately, this excellent information tends to get left off since clients do not think to put it on their resume or they are just not sure where to put it on their tradition resume. I recently stumbled upon a post that will give GCDFs an extra tool to help expand that list of header options for our clients. Take the time this week to review 111 Smart Resume Section Headings and Titles. Which new headers and titles will you be sharing with your clients?