Sunday, November 6, 2011

Learning the importance of Social Media for the GCDF Today

As we begin to delve into the endless ways that social media can assist you in successfully helping clients, let's make one thing clear:


Build a professional identity on LinkedIn, follow career experts on Twitter and watch You Tube videos of the lastest interviewing trends.  Sure, your clients will be helped but so are you as a professional.

Today's service model is all around the career advisor as the expert.  You have to know your stuff and be agile with every client served regardless of their work experience.

Simple things that can help you now:

Read a career related book once a month
Build your LinkedIn profile with two connections a week or more
Get a Twitter account if you haven't already.

Finally, use this AMAZING resource with clients. 
It is called "Careers Out There" with host Marc Luber. 

He interviews professionals in careers that your client may be considering.  Very informative, engaging and well worth your time. 

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