Sunday, January 16, 2011

January Self Discovery

Are you getting cabin fever? January is a great month to sit by the fire with a warm cup of coffee and take time to reflect upon and plan your career. Once the weather gets warmer and summer employment programs kick in, we all know the days go by all too quickly. Grab a notebook and answer the following questions. Enjoy the process.

1. What did I do really well last year in my job? (Hopefully this is on your resume and your supervisors are also aware of it.)

2. In reviewing the above responses, how could I (should I) continue to excel in those areas?

3. In what areas of my life should I give myself some slack? When working under unreasonable demands, I used to say to myself "All is well that ends well" then one day a colleague said stop being so hard on yourself, sometimes "All is well that just ends".

4. Are there things I need to stop doing (i.e. overcommitting, self-destructive habits, negative thoughts)?

5. In reviewing the past year, list a 10 things (i.e. who and what) for which I am most grateful? List why.

6. Are there people with whom I need to reconnect? Make plans to do so.

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