Friday, December 10, 2010

Capitalize on the Holidays!

Each year at this time we hear clients say, "I think I will take the holidays off and begin my search again in January". There is certainly a myth out there that no one hires in December or that December is the worst month of the year to be job seeking. By the amount of activity my clients have been experiencing the past few weeks, there is nothing further from the truth! Let's encourage our clients to put their best foot forward and use this month to purposefully reconnect and build relationships with previous managers, supervisors and co-workers. The economy is stronger than we have seen in a few years. Take advantage of any holiday open houses or parties. In fact, many businesses will even have open houses this month. Encourage clients to send cards, emails, or simply make a telephone call wishing others a happy holiday season. Even follow-up on old job postings. This is the time of year when feelings of peace on earth and goodwill make networking much easier. Yes, social occassions and year end networking can go a long way towards building trust and may help open doors for business opportunities next quarter.

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